Function of Words: Adverb


  • Slips of paper, pencil, scissors, underlay (teacher’s writing materials)

  • Box of grammar symbols 

For the Independent Work:

  • Box or envelope with an adverb symbol and marked

  • "1" which contains prepared adverbial phrases


  • To help the child become aware of the function of the adverb.

  • To expose the child to the feelings in literature.

  • Preparation for future work in grammar

  • Practice in Reading

Age: 5 and up

Preparation: The child has done the Verb exercise


  • Invite the child for the lesson and have them bring the symbol box, you will bring the teacher writing materials.

  • On a long slip “march”.

  • Have the child read and do.

  • Write “loudly” to the end of the slip and cut. 

  • Have the child read and do

  • Ask the child if the new word changes how they did it. Move the slip to the left.

  • On a long slip “walk”.

  • Have the child read and do

  • Write “quickly” to the end of the slip and cut. 

  • Have the child read and do

  • Ask the child if the new word changes how they did it. Move the slip to the left.

  • Repeat for another. 


  • Move a slip in front of the child.  Ask the child to find the word that told them what to do.

  • Child places the verb symbol

  • Remove the orange circle and explain that it is for the words that tell us how to do the doing word. 

  • Place the symbol and move slip and symbols back to the left

  • Repeat for the rest.

  • Isolate a label with symbols in front of the child and have them read.

  • Cut the slip and transpose the words.  Have the child read and determine if they like the way it sounds. Ask which way they like better and have them adjust the symbols if necessary.

  • Repeat for the rest. 

  • Show the child the Adverb Box 1.  If they want to transpose the prepared slips, they can write their own to cut.

Control of Error: None

Following Exercises:

  • Writing Adverbial Phrases: the child can write phrases with the Moveable Alphabet or on paper and use the stencil symbols.

Pedagogical Notes:

  • The symbol shape tells the child that it belongs with the verb. 

  • Transposing allows the child to see the adverb can be on either side of the verb. Let their logic determine which they prefer for the combinations. 

  • Adjectives create a visual scene while adverbs add emotions.  Bringing emotion through adverbs leads the child to total reading. 

    • Example:  Read something without emotion like: “Meg walks down the street”. Now add emotion with an adverb “Meg walks joyfully (sadly or nervously) down the street”.  




Logical Adverb Game