Continuation of Commands
Slips of paper, pencil, scissors, underlay (teacher’s writing materials)
Box of grammar symbol
For the Independent Work:
A box or envelope marked with a verb symbol and #3 which contains 10 cards with a double command in which sequence is important
A box or envelope marked with a verb symbol and #4 which contains 10 cards with a double command, one command having an object
A box or envelope marked with a verb symbol and #5 which contains 10 cards with a double command, both commands having an object
To help the child interpret, or to decide the meaning of, what is read
To develop memory of what had been read
Preparation for future work in grammar
Practice in Reading
Age: 5 and up
Preparation: The child has worked with the additional Verb exercises which are presented after the Adverb exercises.
Presentation: Notice the Verb is called something new!
Presentation 1: Box 3: Two Actions
Invite the child for the lesson, to bring the materials and the box of symbols. You will bring the teacher writing materials.
Write the child a message. Invite them to read it and do it. Example: “wave and leave”
With prompting, have the child symbolize the “action word”. Explain this is the word that tells us what to do
Cut apart the verbs and transpose.
Invite the child to read the slips- they decide which way they like the best.
Move it to the top left
Repeat this pattern for two more two action phrases.
Show the child the prepared work in Box 3. Remind them not to not cut the prepared label. If they want to cut, they need to write the label on paper.
Presentation 2: Box 4: Two Actions and One Noun
Invite the child for the lesson, to bring the materials and the box of symbols. You will bring the teacher writing materials.
Write the child a message. Invite them to read it and do it. Example: “bend and tie your shoe”
With prompting, have the child symbolize the “action word”.
Cut apart the verbs and transpose.
Ask the child to read it and do it. Ask if it changed when it was switched around.
They decide which way they like the best.
Repeat this pattern for two more two action and one noun phrases.
Show the child the prepared work in Box 4
Presentation 3: Box 5: Two Actions and Two Nouns
Invite the child for the lesson, to bring the materials and the box of symbols. You will bring the teacher writing materials.
Write the child a message. Invite them to read it and do it. Example: “hum a tune and tap your foot”
With prompting, have the child symbolize the “action word”.
Cut apart the verbs and transpose.
Ask the child to read it and do it. If the child cannot do the actions, they will fix the phrase.
Repeat this pattern for two more two action and two noun phrases.
Show the child the prepared work in Box 5
Control of Error: None
Following Exercises: None
Pedagogical Notes:
The skill of reading interpretation is being constructed through acting out what is on the slips. They can interpret the information in their own way.
This exercise serves as a bridge from the Function of Words to the Reading Analysis exercises through focus on the verb and the change in what we call the verb. We begin calling it “the action word” which is how we refer to it in the Reading Analysis exercises.
The word play in the action of transposition of the verbs exercises their logic.