Function of Words: Detective Adjective Game
A box containing:
63 triangles. The 7 different types of triangles are made in three colors and in three sizes. (The equilateral keeps it from being 81 combinations as you have to minus out angles, colors, size)
Papers, pencil, underlay, scissors (teacher’s writing materials)
Box of Grammar symbols
Prepared cards for independent work with the words:
To help the child become aware that adjectives can single out an object from the group
Preparation for future work in grammar
Practice in Reading
Age: 4 ½ and up
The child knows the name of the triangles from the Geometric Cabinet.
The child has experience with the Adjective Exercises.
Invite the child for the lesson and to lay out a rug.
Show the child the box of triangles and then the symbol box to bring to the rug. You will bring a writing surface (a floor table is best if it is available) and teacher writing materials
With the child’s help removes the triangles and spread them out across the rug
Explain what a detective is and that you will write clues to solve the mystery of what triangle you are thinking of
On a slip write: the triangle
Ask the child to read and find.
Write another label for the size.
Ask the child to read and find.
Have the child put all the triangles that do not match the phrase back in the box. Example: The large triangle. All triangles that are not large get put away.
Transpose the labels reading each time. Cut the noun label and insert the adjective.
Write another label for the color.
Ask the child to read and find.
Have the child put all the triangles that do not match the phrase back in the box.
Transpose the labels reading each time. Insert the label after the color label.
Repeat this pattern for the angle and lastly the sides.
Celebrate that the child solved the mystery!
Review if the child recalls the symbol for the ‘naming’ word and to place it.
Ask if they remember the symbol for ‘what kind of’ words and to place them.
Ask if they remember the symbol for the ‘one or one of many’ word and to place it.
Let the child know there are slips they can use to do the work too.
Show the child how to separate them out by size, color, side and angle. The child will pick one of each. And then the child will go through the process of finding the triangle.
Control of Error:
The child’s own knowledge of the triangles.
Following Exercises: None
Pedagogical Notes:
Two children can do this work together. They can both be the detective, or one can provide the adjective while the other is the detective.