Function of Words: Preposition
Several of one object of a that are different in some way from each other, such as flowers, beads, colored paper, colored pencils, animals of the farm, etc.
Something that will unite these objects pink in color, as with the conjunction.
A container for these objects as a vase, a box, a bag, etc.
Slips of paper, red pencil, scissors, underlay (teacher’s writing materials).
Box of grammar symbols.
Independent work:
Prepared slips for objects found on the farm.
Separate slips for the prepositions in black.
To help the child become aware of the function of the preposition.
Preparation for future work in grammar.
Practice in Reading.
Age: 4 ½ and up
Preparation: The child has worked with the Conjunction exercise.
Invite the child for the lesson and bring the ribbon box and then the symbol box to the table. You will bring the teacher’s writing materials.
Show them the three flowers in the vase and place each in a different area of the room.
Write a label for the flowers and ask the child to bring what the label says. Place the label under the flowers on the table. Example: The red rose and the white rose and the pink rose.
Repeat for the vase.
Have the child tie the flowers together.
In red pencil, write for ‘in’ and place the slip after the long phrase.
Invite the child to read and do what it says.
Child reads and places flowers in the vase.
Write another preposition in red and replace the ‘in’ slip.
Have the child read and do.
Repeat with one more preposition.
Ask the child which label in red was their favorite and place that one in the sentence.
Have the child read and do.
Leaving the preposition in place, transpose the two phrases and have the child read. Ask if it makes sense.
Fix the sentence so it makes sense and have the child get the box of symbols.
Have the child symbolize what is already familiar.
Show the child the green crescent and explain that it is for the words that tell us where. Place it above the preposition in the sentence.
Show the child the materials for independent work.
Control of Error: None
Work with the Farm: The child can use the prepared conjunction labels with the farm labels and place the animals in that relationship.
Template: The child may write descriptive phrases with conjunctions on a long strip of adding machine tape. Using the template and colored pencils, they can draw the symbol above the words.
Pedagogical Notes:
You may play a verbal game prior to the lesson where you offer commands featuring a conjunction. “Stand beside the chair. Place your hand over the table. Put your foot under the table.”
The crescent represents a bridge that you can go under or over.
Using the red pencil highlights the word we are focusing on.