Introduction to the Decimal System: Beads
Introduction Tray with one unit bead in a cup, one bar of 10, one square representing 100, and one cube representing 1000
Other trays which contain a large number of units in a container, bars of 10 in a box, squares of 100, and cubes of 1000
Empty trays
Bead cups
Felt underlay
To introduce the child to the quantities and names for the pieces/categories of the decimal system
The child sensorially experiences sizes/weight of the categories
Age: 4 – 5 (The child’s readiness is more important than age)
The child is confident in their understand of numbers 0-10
The child has worked through all the 0-10 exercises
Presentation: Introduction
Invite the child for the lesson on the Decimal Beads, show them the Introduction Tray, how to carry it, and ask them to bring it to the table. The guide will bring the underlay to lay on the table.
Pick up the unit bead, feel it, then name it (unit). Place the unit on the underlay and invite the child to feel it.
Place the unit on the right side of the underlay and count (one unit) by pointing and saying its name.
Remove the ten bar, feel it, then name it (a ten). Place the ten bar on the underlay and invite the child to feel it.
Use the unit bead to count aloud each bead of the ten bar, counting from top to bottom, showing that it is made of ten units.
Repeat the same introduction for the hundred square.
Holding the ten bar vertically by the ends, count along the hundred square, left to right, to show that it is made of ten ten bars.
Repeat the introduction for the thousand cube.
Holding the hundred square flat over the top of the thousand cube and then alongside the top of the thousand cube, count aloud moving the square down the side of the cube to show the child the thousand is made of ten hundred squares.
Commence a Three-period Lesson on the Decimal Beads.
When the Three-period Lesson is over, invite the child to explore the material as long as they like.
Note: As soon as the child is confident with the names move to the following bring me exercise
Control of Error: None
Note: In the moment of the verification, the child may see they have brought something different than what was asked for.
Following Exercise
Bring Me Game with the Golden Bead Material:
Note: This lesson may be done with one child or a small group. Invite the children to get a rug and to unroll it horizontally onto the floor.
Bring the Store of golden beads to the rug oriented to the children with the thousands on their left. Bring the Introduction Tray.
From the Store of materials, reintroduce the children to the different beads and to feel them (sometimes they look different or are made of different materials).
Invite the child to get a math tray.
Explain that you will move across the room. They will bring you the quantity from the Store that you ask for.
Start with single categories, verify the quantity brought by counting aloud, and then send them to bring a different quantity.
Note: When the child is confident with the thousands, begin to ask for the categories out of order in quantities 1-9. Later, this can be done with the Store on the shelf.
Pedagogical Notes:
In the Three-period Lesson, take your time with the second period. This is not about counting but recognizing the item that corresponds with the name.
Muscular kinesthetic impressions are formed through manipulating the beads.